What's with me and clothes these days? I don't know but duing these days I found a lot of cool things on
http://www.yesstyle.com/ and a lot of other sites. Take a look at hoodies with ears I found on
$32 by Sechuna. Ahh, the third post for this special one. It looks scarily likethe one below except for the face, the sleeves, and the pockets...and the length if you want to be specific.
Temporarily out of stock ($28) by Dodostyle. This is like the perfect hoodie for me! Stripes, ears, and its not too extravagant! To bad it's out of stock right now. I want to buy this one! It ends above mid-thigh.
Temporarily out of stock ($48) by Sechuna. This looks like one of the hoodies below. Same plaid ears but, this is more of a coat. It looks more formal than the hoodie. It has buttons on the front with the same fabric of the ears. I think it's kinda like a prep school uniform coat with ears. Asian Gossip Girl anyone?
$38 by Sechuna. I like the size of the ears but not the cute face next to it. And if you look clearly at the bottom of the hoodie, it's a panda, and my, that panda needs a workout lol. In this picture, you can't really see it so I'll describe it for you. The fat panda is lying on its tummy and it has a big white bow on top. The eyes of the panda look exactly like the eyes on the hood.
$32 by Sunbijou. The ears are the perfect size! It's just that Mr. Happy is kinda bugging me. I don't think the the design of Mr. Happy quite matches putting ears on a hoodie. But other than that it's perfect.
$38 by Sechuna. I think I might have posted this already in the black and white stripes post. This time it's the ears! I think the ears are too long. I like the ears to be nice and short. Adding black and white stripes are smart. Hit both of my likings. It also came in all black with striped ears and details.
$72 by Sechuna. I might have posted this one under my prison stripes article. I think the ears are too long. I'll probably look like a freak walking the park if I wore that, but it's really cute. I just think it attracts too much attention for me. Also hit both my likings.
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