Thursday, August 14, 2008
Don't Don!
Money, Money! (Don't Don)
If this is the end, if there's not another chance,
I'm gonna tell you that you're all wrong
All you people who can't laugh in this comedic world, go away
*Money! Money! Everything in this world is about money
You! that's stuck in a circle
What is your mind
(Rap) You outta control, what is your mind
I beg you to look around you, you can see the desire in one's eyes
(Rap) Stop bangin my head, my eyes gone red..
Slowly you're drifting afar..
You have more than enough in your life
Be happy in your life with what you've got..
Even though those people with dreams are disappearing one by one, nothing seems to be changing
The world is mine.
I'm the way of this world
When I was waiting for those to become happy
I just happened to grab my opportunity a little sooner than others
There's no consideration for the weak
Even if you burn up all the fireworks inside me, I can never give up
It's not for them but for the children of our future
Don't be so disappointed, it's not me!
It's the world that made you like that
Everything that I've wanted I always get
Even the world may turn it's back on me,
I close my eyes and ears
I'm going to make them dizzy,
I just need an ok head and some money
Even though you burned up all the fireworks inside me, I want to look out after you
It's for my kids who are to go living in this world
*Money! Money! Everything in this world is about money
You! that's stuck in a circle
What is your mind
(Rap) You outta control, what is your mind
I beg you to look around you, you can see the desire in one's eyes
(Rap) Stop bangin my head, my eyes gone red..
**Don't.. Don't.. Let's stop now
And take off your hypocritic mask
(Rap) Free yourself! From your hypocrisy and from your fake mask
Everyones waiting,
(Rap) Throw it away! Your hypocrisy and your mask
So basically this song is talking about money! I would have never thought that. The phrases in bold stood out to me so much because lately I have been wanting a lot of things and just not thinking about the things that I have already have, and I just realized I already have sooo much. I am incredibly blessed. And that's why I posted the lyrics here. But a new sweater and shoes won't hurt, right? ;P
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hoodies...with Ears?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Stars and STRIPES

$32.00 by Lunaris. This one is a tank top that comes with a scarf. I don't normally wear scarves though, I could give it to my mom. But without the scarf I found almost the same thing at Steve & Barry's in the Bitten by Sarah Jessica Parker line for $8.98.
$38.00 by Sechuna. This one is a basic hoodie wth ears. I think the ears are a little too long. Don't you think so too?
$15.00 (originally $25.00) by 59 Seconds. I like this one, especially the price! I could were a white tank top under and a pair of jeans. But my bust might not be able to hold up the top lol.
$58.00 by McColin. I wouldn't normally wear shirt dresses because I think they're too short for me but probably with leggings or something they might not be that bad.
$32.00 by Sechuna. Ahh...this one. The one I posted before. before I really loved this piece but now that face on the hood seems kinnda childish. Still cute though.
$25.00 by Painting. Again if you were buy this one, just go to Steve & Barry's.
$15.00 by Stylementor. This one seems really comfortable. Especially when you're dancing the Pajama Party dance, you want a shirt that at least looks comfortable. The stripes are a little too thin for me though.
$22.00 by Click. Even though this picture features blue stripes, this does come in black and a lot of other colors too. Again it seems very comfortable as it is very loose with a strecthy band on the bottom.
*You might have to pay $14 (USA, Asia Pacific) or $16 (Canada, selected European countries) for shipping if you don't live in China or Hong Kong or if your total is not over $150.
Opening Ceremony
Remember the little girl in the red dress singing a song? Well turns out that the little girl in red was just there for show. The little girl who really sang the song was not shown because she was not "pretty" enough. Does that tell you about China's thoughts on outer image. Not even a slighty chubby little girl with crooked teeth can sing a song on a stage.
And remember the 29 footprints that led to the Birds Nest? Yea, I thought that was pretty cool until...I found out that the footprints that viewers saw on TV were digitally done. They really had the 29 footprints but broadcasted something fake. That's right, fake!
I thought China had changed into a better country. Ever since the Olympics, they have tried immensely to reduce pollution, stop people from spitting, and built so many new buildings. But not even an honest opening ceremony, that's pretty low.
Her are links to the articles I read about the opening ceremony:
Monday, August 11, 2008

New Stuff
Yesterday, I got a red-purple polka dot, 4-subject notebook (my 1st time seeing a 4-subject notebook), a Domo-kun folder, book covers, and a Camp Rock folder. The notebook came with a free 1-year subscription to Cosmo!girl magazine. I went into Target thinking I would get like patterned or animal folders but instead Jonas Brothers (of course), Demi Lovato, and Domo-kun are on the covers of my folders. I got 3 new book covers. a swirly looking one, a striped one, and one with rows and rows of (mostly) blue hearts.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Happy Happy Happy~

*See below for the music videos!
Super Junior-Happy-Pajama Party
Super Junior-Happy-Cooking? Cooking!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Congratulations to Super Junior who won Favorite Artist of Korea. They beat Big Bang, Wonder Girls, and Girl's Generation. Super Junior hwaiting! I'm so happy because I voted for them like 5 times! :D Siwon's English makes your heart melt!
Well, school starts on the 18th for me. Yeah, I know, sucks right. That's not the worst part...I have to wear tube socks! I don't even know where to get them! But I got time, I need to get my other school supplies too. It was only this year that I realized how many trees we kill on notebooks alone not mentioning other stuff like binders, backpacks, pencils, etc. So I have made a vow to buy less and reuse more.
I was watching Brain Battle guest starring T.O.P, Taeyang, and Seungri from Big Bang and Supernova, I think. they're actually really good at math, lol. And everytime they solved a math problem right they did the "Baby, Baby, Baby" dance from Last Farewell.
Ok now for the materialistic side of me. I really really want a black and white stripe shirt of some sort. It's kinda fobby so the only site I tried to find it in was and I found some...but my parents don't want me to order them. *SECRET ORDERING*§ion=women (the ears are so cute!)