Sunday, May 25, 2008

T-shirts, Jay Chou, and Super Junior

Hello! Im back from Washington DC and NYC! Everything was really fun except for going to sleep...and waking like 6 hours later. Everybody was so exhausted, there was not one bench we did not like to sit in and snooze for a few seconds. Everybody took naps on the bus including, and I got a few pictures of people sleeping...the good, the bad, and the ugly. I saw Wicked and it was amazing! The people, the voices, everything. But do you know what really killed me? NOT ENOUGH SHOPPING TIME TO EVEN GET AN I ♥ NY SHIRT!!! But whats fnny is that I got an I ♥ DC shirt instead.

Anyway coming back to lovely California...I went to the church picnic. It was fun, I guess. I was freezing cold though and I see almost everyone wearing like shorts and a t-shirt. Then I saw Secret with Jay Chou. He was the director too. It amazed how good at piano he was.
Sunday, church was fun. I stayed so long because of a few meetings but I wasn't bored because everybody else stayed too. Im craft again but this year, its different. Im a station instead of one per class.

I think Im adicted to Korean pop now. I havent listened to 棒棒堂 or 飛輪海 in such a long time. Its just been Super Junior, DBSK, and Big Bang. Especially Super Junior-M, but technically that counts as Mandarin.

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