I wonder when my friend is going to Taiwan. She promised to get me some CDs. I want:
Anyway coming back to lovely California...I went to the church picnic. It was fun, I guess. I was freezing cold though and I see almost everyone wearing like shorts and a t-shirt. Then I saw Secret with Jay Chou. He was the director too. It amazed how good at piano he was.
Sunday, church was fun. I stayed so long because of a few meetings but I wasn't bored because everybody else stayed too. Im craft again but this year, its different. Im a station instead of one per class.
I think Im adicted to Korean pop now. I havent listened to 棒棒堂 or 飛輪海 in such a long time. Its just been Super Junior, DBSK, and Big Bang. Especially Super Junior-M, but technically that counts as Mandarin.
Friday I'm in Love by The Cure
I normally don't watch the ads on the page but this one is so cute! Otters are holding hands and on breaks off and is stranded there so the other comes back holds its hand again. ♥